Welcome to Our Farm Story Book ~ Pre-K to 1st Grade

  • This 16 page (11×8.5) storybook takes you on a tour of a modern pig farm. (Download PDF)
  • The Welcome to Our Farm Activities complement the storybook, or can be used as a stand alone activity. (Download PDF)

The Amazing Pig ~ Elementary Age Youth

  • Watch this Amazing Pig Video.

  • After watching the Amazing Pig video, complete these Wisconsin Amazing Pig Activities to review the facts covered in the video. (Download PDF) 

Producers, Pigs, & Pork ~ 3rd to 6th Grade

  • Story Book: An illustrated story of a boy’s visit to a modern pig farm. (Download PDF) 

  • Coloring Book: This 16-page coloring book takes kids on a farm tour to learn more about producers, pigs, and pork. (Download PDF) 

  • Lesson Plans: These materials help guide Ag in the Classroom volunteers through the activities in the Teachers Resource Guide (Download PDF) 

Pig Farm Tour ~ 3rd to 5th Grade

  • Video: This short, 5-minute video will take you on a tour of a modern sow farm. (Download Here)

  • Coloring Book: This coloring book complements the Pig Farm Tour video and will reference items discussed during the tour. (Download PDF)

Pig Farm Tour ~ 6th to 12th Grade

  • Video: This short, 5-minute video will take you on a tour of a modern sow farm. (Download Here)

  • Workbook: This workbook book complements the Pig Farm Tour video and will test students’ knowledge of items discussed during the tour. (Download PDF)

Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom

Wisconsin Pork is a proud supporter of Farm Bureau’s Ag in the Classroom program. This program provides teachers and K-12 students with an understanding of how their food is produced. The Ag in the Classroom is carried out by a network of local educators, volunteers, and representatives from agricultural organizations and businesses.

Please visit the Ag in the Classroom website to learn more about the resources available!

Educational Videos

  • From pig farming to pork nutrition, we have a broad collection of educational videos that you can share with your students. To view, click HERE. 

nutrition information

  • We have several nutrition informational resources available on our Consumers tab. To visit, click HERE.