Category: News

2016 Badger Swine Symposium

The University of Wisconsin-Extension Swine Team and Wisconsin Pork Association (WPA) invite pork producers and industry to attend the 2016 Badger Swine Symposium. This year’s

17th Annual Pork Classic

A few rain showers didn’t keep pork producers, allied industry, and friends from enjoying an afternoon of golf and networking this week at Wisconsin Pork

PQA Plus Site Assessment Rebates

The Wisconsin Pork Association and National Pork Board are encouraging all producers and employees to become Pork Quality Assurance® (PQA) Plus certified and achieve PQA

WPA to Host 17th Annual Pork Classic

Pork producers, allied industry representatives, and friends of the pork industry are invited to participate in the Wisconsin Pork Association’s (WPA) 17th Annual Pork Classic