Our members are key to the success of our organization. We invite you to explore the membership options available to youth, pork producers, and allied industry. As a WPA member, you will receive regular communications on important industry topics at the both the state and national level. Further, choosing to become an Extended Benefits or SIP member provides a voice for you and other Wisconsin producers on issues front and center to the pork industry.
Join or Renew Your Membership: 2023 Membership Form!
Click the link above to download a copy of the membership form or call the WPA office at 608-723-7551 to have a copy mailed to you.
Membership Levels
Free Membership: Pork producers and youth are eligible
Extended Benefits – Individual: Pork producers, youth, and industry friends are eligible. The cost is $50 for the first person and additional family members may be added for just $10 each.
Extended Benefits – Allied Industry/Farm Business: Allied industry and farms are eligible. The cost is $250 for the company/business and $100 for one individual representative.
Strategic Investment Program (SIP)-Pork producers, contract growers and farm employees are eligible. Producers agree to have $0.10 cents/$100 of value deducted by the packer for the SIP program. Farm employees can join for $100 per year. A significant share of the program dollars is returned to support state organizations. The ability to use these unrestricted funds better equips state organizations and NPPC to respond to today’s threats on the state and national level. Your enrollment in SIP is the preferred option.
Membership Benefits
All WPA members receive regular communications on important industry topics through our Pork Express and Pork Headlines newsletters. This includes extended benefits such as rights on WPA policies, issues and elections.
Strategic Investment Program

- Fight for reasonable legislation and regulation
- Develop revenue and market opportunities
- Proactively address issues of industry and consumer concern