Southwest Wisconsin Pork Producers Scholarship

The Southwest Wisconsin Pork Producers is committed to developing the next generation of pork producers and leaders. Furthermore, they understand the significant role that a high-quality agricultural education plays in the future of our industry. Therefore, in 2021 this scholarship was established. It is open to high school or college students from Grant, Iowa, or Lafayette Counties in Wisconsin.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Open to high school and college students from Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette Counties in Wisconsin.
  2. Must have shown dedication and involvement within the swine industry.
  3. Pursuing a career/degree in an agricultural related field.
  4. A student in good standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 in high school or college.
  5. Attach one letter of recommendation.

Please direct any questions to Morgan Worek at 608.553.2196 or email them to

Applications should be emailed to by April 1st, 2023.

Recipients will be notified by April 15th, 2023. Scholarship money will be awarded after the most recent transcript and proof of next semester registration is submitted to scholarship committee.

Click here to download application (PDF)

2023 Recipient

First Last Name

$5,000 Scholarship

Recipient bio…